Souad Henane

Artificial intelligence history


Artificial intelligence history

In this article, we will talk about the history of artificial intelligence in brief, from its inception to today and the most important stages it has gone through, but before that we must know artificial intelligence and some basic terms quickly. What is artificial intelligence? It is a scientific field that officially appeared as a discipline taught in universities in 1956, with the goal of making machines or computers in particular perform smart functions. Either you think and act like a human being, or at least partially simulate a person’s thinking and behavior in a specific field by relying on programming methods, mathematical solutions and various other auxiliary science products such as electronics, mechanics, biology ... Key terms: When we talk about artificial intelligence, we must distinguish between: 1- Artificial Intelligence Techniques: Here we are talking about algorithms in their basic form and mathematical and statistical models that we use for example in the fields of machine learning, deep learning, expert systems, fuzzy logic, optimization and search algorithms ... 2- The applied branches of artificial intelligence (AI functional applications): And here we are talking about the major branches that collect a set of methods for their application in solving one of the specific problems such as computer vision that aims to make computers understand reality visually, analyze and understand languages Natural Resources (NLP) aimed at making computers understand human speech ... 3- AI application fields: We mean the fields that belong to our reality and we can apply artificial intelligence in them, such as transportation, where we use computer vision to make cars drive themselves, marketing to apply (NLP) where programs that understand languages By fulfilling reservation requests and responding to customers, also in health, education, economics, industry, and security ... History of artificial intelligence: 1956: Officially registering the birth of artificial intelligence, as it became an independent scientific discipline following the (Dartmouth conference). There were previous works that prepared for this birth, of course. From 1956 to 1974: It is considered one of the golden years in the history of artificial intelligence for the amount of funding and support that this specialty has received from governments. Focus at this stage was on logic-based problem solving methods. From 1974 to 1980: The collision with the reality of the limited capabilities of the roads he was working on at that time to reach the desired goal or dream, the funding was greatly reduced, and the first winter on artificial intelligence came and research decreased. From 1980 to 1987: During these years, the field of knowledge-based expert systems achieved a recovery from hibernation and recorded some successes and interest, which did not re-finance and the emergence of new research in the field of artificial intelligence. From 1987 to 1993: A second winter came on artificial intelligence due to the limited computer capabilities at that time. The emergence of the defects of the expert systems in the difficulty of modifying and reforming them when the project is complicated and long. This is what prompted governments and investors to reduce their support and investments in this field. From 1993 to 2011: It was the beginning of a new phase after the improvement of computers' performance and the increase in their capabilities, the support and investments in this field returned again, and research returned strongly after that. In 1997, IBM's DeepBlue program defeated the world champion in the game of chess (Kasparov). In 2002, Amazon began using programs that offered customers products that fit their preferences and desires. In 2011, Apple began developing the Siri project, the program ( IBM Watson defeated two champions in (The TV Quiz Jeopardy). From 2012 to today: An apparent phase ahead of us and we are currently living in it, as computers have become more powerful and there are intensive computing centers everywhere. The spread of the Internet and the increase in users increased the amount of available data, all of this gave a strong and great impetus to the field of machine learning and the field of deep learning to start again and allowed the emergence of the era of neural networks and their applicability and use in reality. During this stage, the governments' interest in this field increased, their support and spending increased in it, and it became one of the security strategies of countries, the number of investors and investments in this field increased doubling and the emergence of private companies in it, and we can say that we are on the threshold of the stage of the beginning of the application of artificial intelligence in a comprehensive manner In people's lives. This focus and interest in artificial intelligence has led to the emergence of applications and programs that can be used in reality, in the field of security and surveillance, in electronic commerce, in distance education, forecasting the state of financial markets, in health, in transportation, in smart cities, in industry, In agriculture and other fields. In 2016, the Google AlphaGo program defeated the science champion in the complex Chinese board game Go, and we are talking about strong artificial intelligence more. This stage is still progressing more and new things appear to us every time without stopping and it continues and its products multiply.

Artificial intelligence categories

Artificial Intelligence is divided into three parts: Weak AI: It is currently present and widespread as it helps to reduce the intellectual and physical effort of a person to accomplish specific work similar to the programs and devices that we currently use in all sectors. Strong AI: It is meant by which the human intelligence is equivalent in all aspects, through which robots are able to possess the full human capabilities instead of being limited in a specific sector. Strong artificial intelligence can think, plan, solve problems, do abstract thinking, understand complex ideas, and learn lessons quickly. Some believe that a powerful artificial intelligence will reach that when we can fully simulate the human brain and reconstruct all neurons in it with the different connections between them of the same size. The estimated date is 2099 AD. Super AI: The level at which machines or robots exceed the level of human intelligence. The most important companies and projects currently existing in the field of strong artificial intelligence: 1- The company (IBM) through its project (IBM Debater) in the field of (cognitive computing), and (Watson) project in the field of (man-machine interaction) which is able to understand questions in natural languages ​​and answer them. 2- The company (Google) through the (Google Assistant) project and the (PathNet) project, which aims to create a neural network that is trained by many users so that each one of them will specialize in a specific field and its overall goal is to create a general or strong artificial intelligence . An AutoML project in the field of machine learning that allows non-professional users to train high-quality models. 3- The Cortana project for human-machine dialogue of Microsoft. 4- The (OpenAI) company through two projects in the field of (Deep reinforcement learning), namely (Writing AI) and (Spinning Up program) to teach and train clients or robots.